'cinema is not the only thing I am looking forward or films are not my entire life as such… it is only to satisfy the wish of the audience who want me to act again, after taking a 5 years break, I am appearing on silver screen again', says Karishma Kapoor, who has started off her second innings as an actress through Vikram Bhatt's directorial 'Dangerous Ishq'… the film is scheduled for a release on May 11th. Karishma has played a much bold role in this film of a Super Model… some of the bold sequences between lolo and the hero of the film, Rajneesh Duggal are already creating rounds in the Industry as of now… responding to the role in this film, Karishma said, 'you can see neither me nor Rajneesh in the film. You can experience only our roles in the film'…
the actress seems to be much confident about the success of the film and this proving to be a luck for her second innings… we got to hear Karishma's husband, Sanjay Kapoor having an issue of Karishma playing such a bold role in the film and the argument between the couple regarding this, even leading to a divorce… well, nothing more has been known about this news till now, though….