True the Superstar Rajnikanth turns superhero for virtual games shortly. The beyond life size image of the superstar is being precisely used for promoting his latest 3D flick Kochadaiyaan, directed by his daughter Soundarya (Rajnikanth). Thrilled and honored to work with the stereoscopic team of Avengers, Thor, Titanic 3d, Avatar, STEREO D for 'Kochadaiyaan', wrote the director, on her Twitter page.
The producers are all out to lease the franchise for using the character for gaming solutions. Rajni Sir is a global phenomenon and his name linked with the game will give the necessary impetus to the marketing of the product. His global fans are sure to make the products launch a grand success. Soundary on her part has quite well exploited the various innovative avenues for earning while marketing.
Recently Karbonn mobile company had bought the franchise to market a 'Kochadaiyaan mobile', which shall have the on shoot clippings of the film, that might not be seen on screen. The latest is that the movie's co-producer Dr J Murali Manohar confirmed, 'We are in talks with top gaming companies. It's too premature to say more about it now. All international companies have approached us. There are people who want to make comic book out of this. The best comic book companies in India are also inquiring.' (With inputs from internet-AW AarKay)