When Rajamouli's film Vikramaarkudu was remade into Hindi as Rowdy Rathore, the movie received overwhelming response and probably a very few people knew the golden eye behind the camera eye., SS Rajamouli. Well, that could be the reason why Rajamouli is now coming before Bollywood with his Makkhi. It is known that his Eega film is being remade into Hindi as Makkhi wherein star actors Ajay Devgan and Kajol gave voice overs for the title dialogues. Now, this film is enjoying maximum attention from the media be it due to its title or for the promotional banners.
The film experts said that Makkhi would be welcomed by the Bollywood people too since it's a unique film wherein director proved that even a housefly as a hero can create records. Nani, who also played a significant role in Eega, will now be familiar to Bollywood people too. The experts even said that Makkhi would over come all the previous records of Bollywood. Anyway, keep your fingers crossed for another week to know the response.
(AW Phani)