Makkhi (Eega in Tamil and Naan Ee in Tamil) is all set for a premier release in Bollywood. The hype for the film had gone overboard even before its release on October 12. Many stars of the tinsel world were all of praises for the film. In fact the film silently introduces three new stars to Bollywood, they are Nani, Samantha and the most acclaimed Sudeep the antagonist in the film. Good future on the anvil for them, predict the industry stalwarts.
Now let's have a look of how the industry welcomes S S Rajamouli's films. Although two of his films have already been remade in Hindi, Rowdy Rathore and Sons of Sardar and they were also giant grosser. But this film is a direct dubbing film with some tinkering works.
Firstly, Baadshah of Bollywood Sharukh Khan says, "Makkhi (eega) the fly. Awesomely original & fun film by Rajamouli releasing on 12th Oct. must watch with kids. all the best raja & team," he said.
Another star who had acted in the Tollywood remake of Maryadaramanna, titled as Sons of Sardar, Ajay Devgn was also of all praise for the film. In fact impressed by the narration of the film by S S Rajamouli who had personally invited the Devgn couple to the screening of the film. Immediately the star couple agreed to dub the initial story telling part in the film.
He narrated an interesting incident as to how he knew about the film. 'My film Bol Bachchan was doing well everywhere except in Hyderabad. When I asked if there was any reason, I was told that Southern film Eega was playing in the theaters,' admitted the star. (With inputs from internet-AW AarKay)