The much awaited film of the year, Cameraman Gangatho Rambabu is all set to hit theatres on Thursday. Expectations from the power star Pawan Kalyan's CMGR are sky-high. CGR happens to be one of the most prestigious projects of Puri Jagannadh who completed the project steadfast. The review of CMGR is undoubtedly going to bring smiles of the faces of film enthusiasts. For CMGR film review, you need to check out our reviews' section tomorrow.
CMGR's censor certificate:
CGR got a U/A certificate from censor board. The board reportedly hailed Puri Jagannadh and said that censor board members hailed Puri for such a wonderful picture. Puri Jagannadh has said that the entire credit of CGR goes to Pawan Kalyan.
CMGR's theatres:
Many theatres across the state especially in Hyderabad and Secunderabad have decked up for filming Pawan Kalyan's Cameraman Gangatho Rambabu. While tickets at most of the multiplexes have already been sold out, the situation is not the same at the traditional RTC X Roads in the city. Therefore, hysteric fans in the city are reportedly loitering around these theatres as they want to make sure that they get the tickets at any cost.
Since CMGR has already received hit talk, there would be nothing much to discuss the pros and cons of the film once it's released. However, for an unbiased CGR review, you must visit Andhra Wishesh.
(AW Phani)