Magadheera Ram Charan Teja is gearing up for giving a royal treat to his mega fans on the festival of lights. This dynamic actor's Nayak movie, directed by VV Vinayak, would be released in 2013. But the first look of the film would be released on November 13, on the eve of Deepavali. DVV Danayya is producing this film. Most happening actresses Kajal and Amala Paul are playing the female lead in this film. Thaman has scored background music for this film. The sources said that Ram Charan would be seen in a dual role for the first time. Lets hope that Ram Charan Teja, who is following the foot steps of his father megastar Chiranjeevi, becomes another megastar not just in Tollywood but also in Bollywood since he is going to appear in Bollywood too.
(AW Phani)