More than 2012, 2013 has been popular with all the star heroes coming up with their prestigious films, throughout the year...
Mahesh: after a series of flops films, Mahesh has bagged the success with 'Dookudu', followed by 'Businessman' and the multi starrer released this year 'Seetamma Vaakitlo Sirimalle Chettu'. Mahesh has transformed his looks, personality, altered his acting skills and managed to come out from the trap of 'Image'...
This year, the Actor will come up with another unique role in Sukumar's directorial that will be releasing soon, followed by the films of Krissh and Seenu Vytla.
N.T.R.: for sure, N.T.R. is waiting for March. His prestigious project in Seenu Vytla's directorial; 'Baadhshah' is scheduled for a release in March. Be it the story line, screenplay, N.T.R.'s look and role, we can experience a lot of excitement watching the film, as told by some sources.
After this, N.T.R. will complete his film with Harissh Shankar that has already gone on location and soon after this, the film with 'Kandireega' fame Santosh Srinivas.
Allu Arjun: 2012 has been a really great year for Bunny. The success of 'Julayi' gave energy for bunny to work more and come up with more films soon. Bunny chose to work with Puri Jagannath in 'Iddarammayilatho'. The shoot of this film is heading towards completion. After this, Bunny will do a film with Surender Reddy.
Charan: Ram Charan in the only actor who has proved even today it is possible to work in 3 films simultaneously. The Actor who is running high after the success of 'Nayak' is coming up with his B - Town debut flick 'Zanjeer', followed by 'Yevadu' within couple of months. After these two films, the chances of Cherry teaming up with Director Boyapati Seenu are very high...
Well, the calendar of star heroes in 2013 is full on busy with shoots of their films...