Tollywood 'top' actress Taap'see' is going to appear in Bollywood flick Chashme Baddoor, which is the remake of the same name. Directed by David Dawan, versatile actor Rishi Kapoor is playing an important role in this movie. It was reported that Taapsee and Rishi Kapoor became close on sets that the former told Rishi Kapoor that she had a crush on his son-actor Ranbir Kapoor.
Tapsee seemed to have blushed each time Ranbir's name was taken by his father. She said that she liked Ranbir Kapoor's Rockstar movie. Taapsee is one of the most sought after actresses in Tollywood. After Ileana, Kajal Agarwal and Tamannah, she's becoming the fourth actress in this generation to move down to Bollywood from south. If Tapsee clicks in Bollywood, will she come back to Tollywood? Are we going to another actress like Ileana?
(AW Phani)