Hansika, who started out as a child artist in Bollywood, moved to Tollywood with Deshamuduru starring alongside Allu Arjun and that is when she drove the youth crazy with her beauty. Later she moved to Tamil film industry where she seems to have settled comfortably after back-to-back hits in the movies. We wondered what was the reason and rumors suggest that there was a love story that kept her busy in Kollywood. It is none other than STR, aka Simbu, who is the lucky guy. They duo have also signed in two movies together. A birdie told us that Simbu flew a private chopper to the beauty's house to spend the day with her but the actress is too stubborn to accept that they are in a relationship.
She vehemently denies that there is something going on between them. Since both the actors are single, there is a good likeliness that the two projects, one after the other, indicate that they might be dating. Another one from the rumor mill says, Simbu is smitten by her beauty. Now, the earlier rumors only get closer to reality. Why else would STR spend over Rs 5 Lakhs for a birthday party at Filmistan Studios afer flying her in a helicopter? Hansika denies them to be baseless adding that the Studios were only 20 mins away from her house in Lokhandwala and that there was no need for a helicopter.
Hansika however said that STR was the only who's who who attended the party. Leaving the rest to our imagination, we can't understand why else. Simbu was also extremely busy for his movie shooting but attended the party for 5 min before leaving the scene. Hansika said that it was a family and friends only party. She denied that Simbu hosted it too. “Our relationship is strictly professional”, she cuts the rumours short.
(AW- Anil)