Nani is worried man these days. Having made a niche for himself among the Telugu movie goers, Nani is now well known and respected. However, his next film Paisa is not releasing as per the said timelines. There were also very few to no updates at all about the movie in recent days.
It is said that, Paisa's makers have over invested in the movie and that there are no takers for the release. That aside, Nani is said to be tensed about the movie itself, which if not portrayed well, could result in him slipping down the stardom ladder a little.
The same worry is also in the mind of Prabhas. These actors are work hard for their respective careers and fans, but the film makers make certain changes that can inconvenience an actor. Apparently, the makers of Bahubali want a two part movie. This will mean extra dates from Prabhas and also delay in his other projects.
One can only hope that Paisa as well as Bahubali will rock the audiences. Nani deserves that much.
(AW: Sruthi)