After tall actor Nani has given his comments on the recent happenings in the state, many came out in anger against him. Though he hasn't spoken anything directly, United Andhra supporters are making their displeasure known about his comments.
Going by his expression of how someone is building a wall in his house, it gives the impression of sadness over the split. It nowhere implies a stand against one side. Nani simply accepted the inevitable.
Yet, there are many who still want to hold on to the past. The government's decision is not anyone's fault individually and surely not someone from the entertainment field. As most people in the Telugu Film Industry does not speak out about crucial issues, fearing backlash, Nani has set an example by saying something. What we do not talk about, ultimately becomes a wound and something to fear.
The only exception is Chiranjeevi, who has received a lot of flak for his comments after the Telangana statehood announcement. He chose a political party over his ideals. Hence, trouble began brewing for him.
(AW: Sruthi)