The curvy Hansika Motwani also shares her birthday with Prince Mahesh. On 9th July every year, the large hearted Hansika adopts kids to take care of their educational expenses. She had also extended her earnings to bear medical expenses to breast cancer patients.
On her birthday, she gives the gifts. It is commendable how she has contributed where it really matters. The best gift for this lovely person would be to learn from her and do our bit to the needy. Adopting a kid's education expenses is equal to or even more than feeding a few people for a day. It is the recipient's 'varam' and our 'punyam.'
Hansika turns 23 this Friday and may adopt more kids on the occasion. From the little girl in Hrithik Roshan's Koi Mil Gaya to this strong woman in love, Hansika has come a long way.
(AW: Sruthi)