The High Court of Andhra Pradesh has summoned to return the 'Padma Shri' titles of actors Mohan Babu and comedian Brahmanadam within a week time. On contrary to the petition filed by BJP senior leader Indra Sena Reddy, claiming that the actors have reportedly misused the title ‘Padma Shri’, a National award as a prefix to their title credits in the film ‘Denikaina Ready’ (2013), High court passed this verdict.
According to Article 18(1) of the India constitution which states that any award conferred by the Central Government to an individual cannot be used as a prefix. Mohan Babu was conferred ‘Padmashri’ in 2007 and Dr. Brahmanandam was given in the year 2009.
(AW: Vamshi Tunga)