Ram Charan's upcoming Multi-starrer film with creative director Krishna Vamsi has been named as Govindhudu Andari Vaadele. This is actually a line from the classic song “Brindavanamadi Andaridi…” (Missamma, 1955) and has also been used as a tagline for Jr. NTR’s Brindavanam (2010).
The film is slated to go on floors from 6th February and Bandla Ganesh will produce this film under Parameshwara Arts banner. It’s seems to be the season of films with typical Telugu titles in Tollywood now. We have witnessed such films with titles - Brindavanam, Attarintiki Daredi, Uyyala Jampala, Ramayya Vasthavayya, Pandavulu Pandavulu Thummeda et al in the recent times and now Govindhudu Andari Vaadele.
Hopefully Ram Charan does not disppoint us.