Superstar Mahesh Babu's 'Aagadu' which hit the box office last Friday, is still minting money. On Monday, the figures of first weekend collections were revealed and they are stunning. However, Aagadu could not cross Pawan Kalyan's 'Attarintiki Daredi' in this regards.
According to reliable sources, Aagadu has grossed around Rs. 28 crores in the first weekend with a slight drop on Saturday and an average crowd on Sunday. While, Powerstar’s Attarinitki Daredi record of Rs. 34 crores (in the first weekend) is still in the safer side.
Aagadu met with mixed reviews and so there occurred drop in collections. Nevertheless, the movie registered record collections in USA and Nizam. But Aagadu will have its real test this week as another big ticket in the form of 'Loukyam' is hitting the screens. Gopichand has pinned huge expectations on the film and at music launch he declared that the film will cross Pawan's Attarintiki Daredi collections.
(AW: Vamshi)