The music success meet of hero Nithiin's upcoming Heart Attack movie was held in Hyderabad yesterday. Producer and director of the film Puri Jagannadh, hero Nithiin, heroine Adah Sharma, comedians Brahmanandam and Ali, music director Anoop Rubens and Cinematographer Amol Rathod graced the event.
Speaking on the occasion director Puri said, “this is my first movie with Nithiin and Anoop. The music for this film has come out and we got good response from the music lovers. It also the hat-trick combination of Nithiin and Anoop, hope the movie will score super hit. Coming to the comedy track, Ali and Brahmanandam have given special dates for me inspite of their busy schedule. I thank them.”
I am going score hat-trick with this film said Nithiin on the occasion.
(AW: Vamshi)
Click Here For Heart Attack Movie Audio Success Meet Stills