Bollywood director Subhash Ghai is making a comeback to the silverscreen after a huge gap of five years. Ghai's upcoming movie Kaanchi's first look was release short while ago and the film marks debut of a new lady in B-town. Mishti is the heroine of Kaanchi and the film is all about inner power of a woman who represents millions of suppressed youth against injustice in the country.
Kaanchi also stars Rishi Kapoor, Mithun Chakraborty, Kartik Aaryan, Chandan Roy Sanyal and Rishabh Sinha in prominent roles. Ismail Darbar and Salim Sulaiman are composing music.
Kaanchi will be releasing on April 25 this year. Write your comment on the first look below!
(AW: Vamshi)