Noted film personality and director, Subhash Ghai has complained of the government before the media. He has said that he had been cheated by the Maharashtra Government. It may be mentioned here that the Supreme Court has cancelled the allotment of land to his famous film institute, Whistling Woods International Film Academy.According to Subhash Ghai, Whistling Woods was set up ten years ago after he and the government entered into an agreement and subsequently the land had been allotted. But then someone went ahead and filed a petition against this allotment of land, which led the court to look into the issue and came out with its verdict. While Mr. Ghai had nothing to do with court’s verdict, he was only pin pointing at the government’s attitude.
He said he had been completely taken for a ride. It may be recalled that the Bombay High Court too squashed the agreement and held that it was null and void pon-pointing at lack of transparency. Film personalities consoled Subhash Ghai. Some of them include, noted film maker Shyam Benegal. He said he was very upset that Mumbai city lost a great chance to have this international film institute.