Nandamuri Balakrishna's Legend movie which stroke the box office last week, is still going strong. The film has completed its first week run and box office collections proved Balayya's stamina again. Legend garnered over Rs 33 crore and is likely to hit the 50 crore club mark soon.
Here is the details report of area wise collections.
Nizam |
Rs 6.53 crore |
Seeded |
Rs 6.49 crore |
Vizag |
Rs 2.73 crore |
Guntur |
Rs 3.66 crore |
East Godavari |
Rs 1.49 crore |
West Godavari |
Rs 1.36 crore |
Nellore |
Rs 1.23 crore |
Krishna |
Rs 1.64 crore |
Karnataka |
Rs 2.65 crore |
Overseas |
Rs 5.02 crore |
Rest of India |
Rs 1.08 crore |
Grand Total |
Rs 33.58 Crore |
(AW: Vamshi)