Legend Telugu movie which stars Nandamuri Balakrishna in the lead role is facing censor board issues. The film which went for inspection yesterday, is yet to get a censor certificate. According to the sources, the board members have objected violent scenes and controversial dialogs which could rake up controversy. However, the producers of the film have requested them to keep them in the final output.
The Censor board officials might review the movie again today and issue the a final certificate. The makers are also ready to accept “A” grade as the movie has positive atmosphere. On the other hand they are quite tensed too regarding the release, if censor board fails to give certificate.
Legend is the second installment of Boyapati and Balakrishna combination. The movie has Sonal Chouhan and Radhika Apte as female leads while Devi Sri Prasad composed music.
(AW: Vamshi)