Junior Bachchan, Abhishek who is busy promoting his kabaddi team for the Pro-Kabaddi league, has revealed one of his wish. Unveiling the jersey of his kabaddi team 'Jaipur Pink Pathers' Abhishek said he wants to play Yuvraj Singh in reel life, if a biopic is planned on the Indian cricketer.
“I would love to play Yuvraj Singh on-screen if a biopic is made on him. He is unbelievable,” said the Dhoom star. Praising Yuviraj, “I love his career graph. He has a flighting spirit. His selection process, being the young superstar, fighting cancer, bouncing back, playing World Cup...its fantastic,” added Abhishek.
Pro-Kabaddi League will begin today and Abhishek hoped that his team wins the tournament.
Hope any Bollywood director heard Abhishek's wish and offer him Yuvraj role. For now best of luck to his kabaddi team!
(AW: Vamshi)