South Superstar Rajinikanth has completed four decades of journey in the film industry. Rajini started his career with the National-Award winning film 'Apoorva Raagangal' in 1975 and from then on he never ever looked backed. This stylish icon also made it to the Bollywood in 1983 with 'Andha Kanoon' which also had Amitabh Bachchan and Hema Malini. The movie was a massive hit and Rajini has crossed the limits in becoming popular.
Not stopping here, in terms of remuneration also, Rajini is highest paid actor in Asia after Jackie Chan. Apparently Rajini was paid Rupees 26 crores for Sivaji movie [2007] and received more than that for Endhiran (Robot) movie [2010]. In 2000, the union government awarded Rajini with Padma Bhushan, the third highest civilian award.
Currently, Rajini is shooting for 'Lingaa' movie and the team celebrated this historic event in the sets. Bollywood diva Sonakshi Sinha who is playing the female lead role, posted a picture of the celebrations in her micro blogging account. “40 years of entertaining ppl like a boss! I was just part of a historic celebration! Congrats @SuperstarRajini sir!,” tweeted Sonakshi.
(AW: Vamshi)