Legendary director and renowned cartoonist Bapu who passed away yesterday, will be cremated in Chennai tomorrow. Family members of Bapu decided to do the last rites on Tuesday so as to allow film personalities to pay their last respects to him. Tollywood celebrities are pouring at Bapu's residence in Chennai and paying homage.
Bapu breathed his last in Chennai in a private hospital while undergoing treatment as he suffered a cardiac arrest. He was one of those directors who used cinema more as an art than business. For his invaluable contribution to the world of arts and cinema, the central government has awarded Padma Sri to Bapu in 2013.
Bapu's original name is Sattiraju Lakshminarayana and is 80 when he passed away. Bapu last director Nandamuri Balakrishna's Sri Ramarajyam which is one the most successful films of 2011.
(AW: Vamshi)