Director Shankar's 'Ai' [Manoharudu in Telugu] movie is gearing up for audio release on September 15th and the makers are making heavy preparations as Hollywood star actor Arnold will grace the event as chief guest. While the audio release program is around, the makers are also busy with the Telugu distribution rights.
Since a week, the Telugu rights are kept under hold as the makers of Ai movie are expecting a huge amount. According to the sources the makers are quoting not less than Rupees 35 crores for the Telugu rights but many producers are not keen to put such huge amount. The noted production house PVP Cinema is willing to buy the Telugu rights but is in a wait and watch mode, looking for the producers of Ai movie to come down a bit.
Recently the Tamil satellite rights of Ai are were sold out for Rs 22 crores, this led the makers to quote such a whopping amount for the Telugu rights. Ai movie is made with a budget of whopping Rs 185 crores and so the makers are making sure they gather the maximum revenue well before release. This is a good tactic and it will be more advantage, if the film scores a super hit at box office.
(AW: Vamshi)