There were rumours in Kollywood that director Shankar's 'I' would get delayed, which is slated for release for Sankranthi. But squashing all the reports, the makers of the film have released a statement, confirming the release date and at any cost 'I' will hit the box office on January 14th in all the three languages.
'I' is Shankar's vision and the lead actor Vikram will be seen in four different roles. The teaser, trailer and song promos have caught the attention of viewers. Made with a budget of over Rs 175 crores, 'I' was filmed for nearly two and half years. Some of the international technicians have worked for the film.
Amy Jackson romanced Vikram while model Upen Patel will be seen in a negative role. The audio of Telugu and Hindi were launched recently. Popular production house 'Super Good Films' have the Telugu distribution rights for a fancy price. So get ready for 'I'....