Dabangg lady Sonakshi Sinha is on a war with actor Kamaal R Khan [KRK] for making disrespectful remarks on the micro-blogging site, Twitter. Kamaal R Khan tweeted tagging Sonakshi Sinha and asked a public opinion. He later deleted the tweet. Not only Sonakshi but KRK tagged many actresses but it was the 'Dabanng' heroine who replied quite too harsh.
“Please RT this if u think @kamaalrkhan is a woman disrespecting waste of space and deserves to be hung upside down and given 4 tight slaps,” wrote Sonakshi in reply. Responding to the tweet, KRK apologised to Sonakshi and said his intention was to find out the sexiest Bollywood actress of the present generation.
“Dear @sonakshisinha Ji I am really sorry if you took it in disrespecting way. It's just a survey to choose sexiest actress of Bollywood. As you @sonakshisinha think tat this survey is a disrespect of woman so you are disqualified n out of competition. Sorry to hurt ur feelings,” replied KRK.
(AW: Vamshi)