Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan will be doing a special role in Varun Dhawan's 'Badlapur' and this is for the first time, the actress will be seen opposite to younger Varun. According to the sources, Kareena role will be a crucial one but the makers do not want reveal anything about this and want to surprise the audience on the big screen.
The trailer of Badlapur which was launched recently garnered good accolades too and Varun was seen completely different. The film is about revenge and Varun was spotted quite violent. He also impressed with his matured look and in the trailer, shared a lip lock with senior actress Divya Dutta.
Badlapur also stars Huma Qureshi, Yami Gautam, Divya Dutta and Nawazuddin Siddiqui in the other lead roles and will arrive at box office in 2015.