Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor said that he has never refused to work with his ex-girlfriend Kareena Kapoor Khan. The B-town is abuzz that Kareena will be joining the cast of Vishal Bharadwaj's 'Udta Punjab' in which Shahid Kapoor is playing the protagonist role.
When asked Shahid about the same, he replied quite diplomatic. “I have never said no (to working with Kareena Kapoor). In ‘Udta Punjab’, I am there and that’s all I know. Rest the film’s producer and director will reveal when the time will come,” said the 'Haider.'
Shahid and Kareena dated for four long years before they broke up in 2007. Currently Shahid is working for Vikas Bahl's 'Shaandaar' and Alia Bhatt is the heroine.