The young charming hero from Akkineni family Akhil has confirmed the heroine for his debut film and the lucky lady is Sayessha Saigal who is the grand niece of veteran Bollywood actress Saira Banu. Akhil took it on Twitter to announce the heroine for his launch film. “Introducing my actress, sayesha saigal. Her first film too so she's as nervous as I am :) wishing her all the best !,” wrote Akhil.
Sayessha Saigal was supposed to make her debut with Ajay Devgn's 'Shivaay' however the project has been shelved due to the reasons best known to the producers. Moving aside, Akhil will be meeting Akkineni fans on 14th of this month at Shilpa Kala Vedika to seek their blessings. As we all know, Akhil preferred a quite ceremony for the launch and so has decided to meet the fans separately before going for the shoot.
The regular shooting of the film will begin from February 16th and V.V. Vinayak is the director. The other cast and crew details will be finalised shortly, added a source.