Akkineni Nagarjuna is currently busy with his movie Soggade Chinni Nayana which is currently shooting in Mysore. Nagarjuna has recently completed the shoot of his tv show Meelo Evaru Koteeswarudu which completed two seasons successfully and he has now kept his focus on films. Debutant Kalyan Krishna is directing Soggade Chinni Nayana and Ramya Krishna, Lavanya Tripathi are playing the female leads in the movie. The music of the movie has been composed by MM Keeravani and the film has been produced by Nagarjuna on Annapurna Studios banner.
As per the latest news, Nagarjuna has signed his next movie which is a remake of Kannada film Mytrhi. Nagarjuna happened to watch the movie recently in a special screening and he has signed the movie immediately after watching it. He revealed “I was completely happy and impressed with Mythri and the film has a lot of values along with a social message. Yes, I am doing the movie in Telugu and the other cast, crew will be decided soon”. Nagarjuna will soon start shooting for his next which is a multistarrer with Karthi in the direction of Vamsi Paidipally. Prasad V Potluri will produce the movie on PVP Cinemas banner and Sruthi Haasan will play the female lead in the movie.