Chiranjeevi’s daughter Srija wedding date locked

February 15, 2016 17:03
Chiranjeevi’s daughter Srija wedding date locked

Mega Star Chiranjeevi’s younger daughter Srija, is all set to get married, this month.

It is known that, opposing Chiru’s family, Srija earlier got married to Sirish Bharadwaj, a PG student and even perceived a kid. But the couple got divorced in between and since then, Srija is living in Chiranjeevi house itself.

Now, the mega family who searched for a right candidate for Srija, found a guy named Kalyan from Chittoor district. It is to be noted that Kalyan is even the childhood classmate of Srija.

Unwilling to make it a big event, the mega family is considering to conduct the marriage function amidst of the limited number of nearest relatives. If the reports are to be believed, none of the film or political industry guests, would be invited for the event.

Though in the beginning, the marriage date was considered to be March, unwilling to prolong it much, Chiranjeevi locked February 25th as his younger daughter Srija’s marriage date.

Meanwhile, the mega star is clearing all the responsibilities he had, to kick start the shooting of his comeback film. Regarding this, he recently launched a gym of his personal trainer G Praveen Reddy, and appreciated him for the equipment, he arranged over there.  

Chiranjeevi gym launch

He was even spotted working out on a treadmill, and needless to say that, these attempts are to appear fit in the 150th film, which is VV Vinayak’s directorial and remake of Tamil blockbuster, Katthi.

By Phani Ch

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