Indo-Canadian Actress Sunny Leone starrer Bollywood horror movie ‘Ragini MMS 2’ was a hit at the box office and earned approx Rs 100 Crores . The movie was a sequel of 'Ragini MMS' released in 2011. Now in the latest reports it is said that the movie is being dubbed into Telugu and Tamil. The movie has been titled as ‘Rathri’ in Telugu.
The remaining detail about its Telugu Version will be revealed very soon. It is an erotic Horror movie, directed by Bhushan Patel in which newcomer actor Saahil Prem played the lead role.
The entire film revolves around the crew of a TV show. What happens when they had been to a haunted bungalow for the shoot is the story of the film. It was produced by Balaji Motion Pictures and the song 'Baby Doll' was a hit, the same song was record by Malayalam Singer Ramya, which went viral.
More details about the release of the film in Telugu will be revealed soon.
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