Asiavision Movie Awards 11th Edition has been announced. In the list Tollywood actor, Ram Charan was selected as the Youth Icon. He will be presented the Award at the glittering function to take place at Sharjah cricket stadium in Sharjah on November 18.
This is truly loving news for Mega fans as Charan was the only Telugu actor to get any award this year.
Asiavision Movie Awards event is being held since 2006 to honour the talents. The winners are selected through public voting. Below is the list of some of the winners of Asia Vision Awards 2016:
Youth Icon - Ram Charan
Excellence Award - Amy Jackson- Ai, There
Popular Actor of the Year - Mohanlal- Oppam/ Pulimurugan
Best Actress - Sonam Kapoor- Neerja
Outstanding Performer - Radhika Apte- Parched & Kabali
Best Actor in Tamil - Vijay Sethupathi- Dharma Durai
Best Actress in Tamil - Tamannah- Dharma Durai
Best Film in Tamil - Dharma Durai
Popular Movie - Pulimurugan (Vaisakh)
Best Anti Hero - Kabir Bedi (Anarkali/ Mohenjodaro- Hindi)
Best Music Director - Gopi Sunder (Charlie/ Kali/ Pulimurugan)
Best Director - Priya Darshan
Child Artiste - Nainika (Theri)
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