No more Experiments says Ravi Teja: Mass Raja Ravi Teja took a break for over two years after which he returned back to Tollywood. His comeback film Raja The Great ended up as the biggest hit in his career and the actor is now excited about his next film Touch Chesi Chudu which is hitting the screens this Friday. Vikram Sirikonda is the director of the film and Rashi Khanna, Seerat Kapoor essayed the roles of heroines. The film has been carrying massive expectations and Ravi Teja essays a cop in the film. The trailer and the songs have been well accepted by the audience all over.
During his interview, the actor clarified that he prefers to stay away from experiments. With Na Anutograph and Sambo Shiva Sambo making no impact at the box-office, Ravi Teja has been keen on signing commercial films. His next film with Kalyan Krishna is a village based romantic entertainer and it completed 25% shoot. He also has a film with Srinu Vaitla which will roll from April this year. The actor has a huge line up of films and he said that he would announce new projects soon.