Sai Dharam Tej Signs One More Film:- Supreme actor Sai Dharam Tej turned a signing spree. After the super success of Prati Roju Pandaage, the actor signed back to back films. He completed the shoot of Solo Brathuke So Better and the film is aimed for release on December 25th. The film is carrying decent expectations and Sai Dharam Tej is busy with the shoot of Republic, a political drama that is directed by Deva Katta. Republic will hit the screens next year.
Sai Dharam Tej signed his next film in the direction of Karthik Dandu and the film starts rolling next year. BVSN Prasad and Sukumar Writings are the producers. As per the update, Sai Dharam Tej signed one more film in the direction of debutant Kasi. He worked as a protege for Sukumar. The film is set in the backdrop of 1990s and is an action thriller that discusses about drugs. Sukumar will produce this interesting project and the film starts rolling during the second half of next year. Sai Dharam Tej is locked for two back to back projects of Sukumar.