When Prabhu Deva’s Directorial starring Hansika as a Heroine, ‘Yengeyum Kadal’, was released in Tamil Nadu, everyone from the film crew had projected the film to be a block buster. But, the result was soon out, when the film, turned out to be a flop at the Box office. Then the critics have started criticizing on the performance of Hansika. Many were in the opinion that Hansika has failed to emote the expressions in the film, and she is the one of the reason, for the film to bomb at the Box office.
It seems, this has hurt Hansika to a far extent. The Actress raised her voice, questioning the critics, ‘when you do not give a credit to a Heroine, when a particular film is a success, how can you categorize a Heroine to be responsible for the failure of the film?’, the Actress was also in an opinion that, if she was that bad in Acting, then she would not sustain and be doing films in all the languages, for so many years now. Tough time for Hansika.
The Actress is as of now doing a film with Tamil Super Hero Vijay and another film titled, ‘Oru Kanna Oru Kannadi’, opposite Udaya Nidhi Stalin. In this flick, Hansika would be sharing Screen space with Tapsee. Only the success of these two films can save Hansika’s acting career in Tamil film industry now!