Some years back Nandamuri Balakrishna had beginned remaking of his father's hit film named as ‘Nartanasala’ with the same title, but unfortunately the film shoot was stopped all of sudden due to the sudden death of the actress Soundarya, as she was playing the female lead role in that film and more over Nandamuri Balakrishna was caught up with the issue of producer Bellamkonda suresh shootout dispute.
Now the most recent buzz is that after the success of Sri Ramarajyam, Balakrishna is in plans to commence that film and whereas the producer Yalamanchili Saibabu who produced the film Sriramarajyam is also showing interest to go ahead with 'Narthanashala' movie.And one more buzz is that actress Nayanatara earlier who acted as seetha in Sriramarajyam will now play the role of Droupadi in Narthanashala.
So if everything goes fine this project will hit the floors very soon.And one more buzz is that this film is going to direct by Nandamuri Balakrishna.