Prestigious director Shankar is all set to start the regular shoot of his recently launched, Vikram-Amy Jackson starrer 'I... then why did I titled this article like above???
If you have a quick recap of Shankar’s style of films, the director is known for making films the story line of those would highlight the darker side of the society and have some message in them. but, with ‘Robot’ and ‘Namban’, Shankar started experimenting with his style of film making.
On the other hand, ‘I’ is not even Vikram’s kind of a film, as even this actor would love to experiment with his roles.
This A.R. Rahman Musical is said to be a Romantic Thriller. Yes, as per the close sources, the unit would soon move to China to shoot some crucial sequences for the film.
You know the budget of the flick??? It is said to be 70 crores. I wonder, what would 70 crores would do for a Romantic Thriller???