Versatile music composer, Oscar Award winner A R Rehman is being approached by a Malayalam fil Director to do a cameo in his upcoming flick in Malayalam. Industry awaits to know whether this acclaimed composer who is noted for his shyness will oblige or not. As per a source the flick directed by Shajoon Kariyal will be co-produced by Biju Menon, who also plays a lead role in the film. The film is about five friends and Biju is one of them. He works in the musci troupe of A R Rehman. To make the film lively Rehman's consent is awaited as per sources.
Rehman the most sought after name in the Indian film music world always avoids media lime light. And with this he might be invited or rather influenced to do more. So this small step of the music stalwart could see more of himself on the silver screens say sources.
Rehman is already filled with major films across the globe. Will he have time for this cameo is another big question on the minds of his fans, who would love his onscreen presence. (With inputs from internet-AW AarKay)