Versatile filmmaker Mani Rathinam faced a different situation the other day. His latest film Kadal (in Telugu Kadali) received accolades from the media but could not be translated into gains at the box office.
The film produced by Madras Talkies also owned by the director, expressed helplessness over the losses incurred by the distributors who approached him.
According to sources, the director cum producer sold the film rights to Gemini Industries, Imaging Limited in 2012 March. Hence expressed his inability, add sources.
This has become a regular issue in the Woods. Initially owing to brand equity or for any other reasons the distributors pay hefty sums to get the film under bitter competition. All is well if the film rakes in profits but in case it happens the other way round, then this issue crops up. The producers on the other hand claim that the distributors pocket the whole earnings when the film has commercial success. However under negative circumstances they express their ire on the crew, which is really not correct.
Kadal introduces veteran actor Karthik's son Gautam and another veteran actress Radha's daughter Tulasi Nair in the lead. Adding to the star cast are 'Action King' Arjun and handsome middle aged man, Arvind Swamy. Though the media gave the film full marks, audience were speculative and collections dropped since the third day, claim trade analysts. (Wishesh AarKay)