Nayanthara is happy and it shows. She opened her mouth delightfully to have the cake sliced in celebration of her film Raja Rani. This is one success story that calls for a party that throws caution to the winds. Cake feeding was the main event at the celebration party for Raja Rani, which all the cast and crew indulged in.
One notable cast member is, unsurprisingly, Arya. The cat-eyed actor is happy too and is showing it by carefully stuffing Nayan's mouth with more cake. Nayanthara's sudden 'no restrictions' look has surprised many, some of whom are simply glad that she has found herself again after the Prabhu Deva flop story.
The actress was seen in a short body hugging dress at the party, easily standing out from the colorless male cast and crew. She seems to be making the most of being single, or is it being near to her current flame? That's the million dollar question on people's minds. Success makes everything look good, even the 'good friends' lead pair. More cake for Nayanthara and the calories will threaten to break out too.
(AW: Sruthi)