In a private flight to Tirupathi, it was observed that Andhra Pradesh Health Minister Kamineni Srinivas and Shruthi Haasan was travelling. It was later in the news saying that he commented and made some fun on Shruthi in the flight. Denying the news by the minister, explained it this way.
Kamineni clarified that he hadn't travelled together with Shruti in any flight in recent times. He further clarified that he didn't even know how Shruti Haasan looks.
I didn't travel to Tirupathi in recent times and there is no question of meeting Shruthi Haasan at all. Though if I met her, I would not have recognised her, implying that he did not watch her movie till date. He further added that he never ever harrased or teased any girl in my life time. I was born and brought up with good manners.". He argued with media that how come this rumors were created and from where the base is. He blamed media for not even contacting before airing the story. He alleged that his image was tarnished due to such libellous reports.