Looks like Jiiva post Mugamoodi, is the most wanted star of the tinsel world. The actor seems to be in high spirits after the film raking in good harvests at the box office. And most importantly Jiiva seems to be the most acknowledged for his extra ordinary energy levels in the film.
The film about a real super hero who is exemplary in martial arts skills is on a mission to fight for justice. This concept seems to have went well with the logic based society of the modern era. This super hero is not a super man who flies across and saves the falling train and soon. But this is about the man who with his brain and brawn would like to take on the evils and finally wins.
The naturalism of the film seems to have won accolades for the producers. And so Jiiva is finished with his next film with Gautama Menon and is embarking on a romantic thriller with Trisha. As per the sources the film Endrendrum Punnagai' will go down on floors from mid of this month. Apart from the lead pair comedian Santhanam and Vinay Rai are also holding a prominent position in this film directed by Ahmed. (With inputs from internet-AW AarKay)