Our favorite star Suriya starrer Tamil flick, 'Maatran' is getting dubbed as 'Brothers' in Telugu. this movie is scheduled for a October 12th release and the Telugu version would be released by Bellamkonda Suresh. Kajal Aggarwal is pairing up with Suriya for the first time. In this film, we can see Suriya playing a dual role.
And another surprise is for the first time we can hear Suriya's actual voice in this version as Suriya has dubbed for his role. as per the recent update, for the dual role played in this film, Suriya has lend voice for one role and his brother, Karti for another role.
Karti has been dubbing for his roles in the Telugu versions as well, right from his first Telugu release 'Yugaanikokkadu'. now, he has lent voice for his Brother as well.
The entire T–Town and K–Town is eagerly waiting for the release of 'Maatran' alias 'Brothers'.