Thriller Manju is known for his action direction in several movie industries, predominantly in Kannada and Telugu. The highly renowned action director in Kannada has made several movies in Telugu too. However, Kannada being his forte attracted him back.
It is now learnt that there are at least three films he signed up in Telugu. He will play guest role in a movie and crucial roles in other movies. He will direct action as always in all three movies. Bheemavaram Bullodu will portray him in a cameo while the actions scenes will have his trademark. Youthful Love is also set to have a few fast paced scenes portraying him in a major role apart from the action direction.
Manju says he likes Tollywood for the respect he earns with the movies and also the facilities that he would be provided as an action director. After 25 years in the movies and at least 400 films using his name under the action director credits, the humble man says that it was only hardwork that has brought him this far.
(AW- Anil)