Released worldwide on July 1st, turned out to be a super success, Amir Khan’s production venture ‘Delhi Belly’, is in a problem again. The Lucknow bench of Allahabad High Court issued notices to Aamir Khan Productions, Department of Information and Broadcasting and Censor Board of Film Certification challenging the public exhibition certificate issued to 'Delhi Belly'.
There was a petition filed against the film by a common citizen. The petition was filed on the basis of the film, not to be screened because of the abusive language, adult comedy and filthy sequences included in the film.
On the other hand, many youngsters who liked this film are going furious on the people who have filed the petition against this film. ‘kiska kya jaata hai? Film mein gaali hein toh kya problem hai? Kisi ko isse takleef hai toh woh film dekhna hi kyo?’ these kinds of questions are being asked. However, court’s order is a priority at the end of the day.
The court has asked the respondents to file a reply in four weeks time. The petitioners alleged that film had indecent, immoral, abusive language and the same trend is being permitted to continue.