After expressing her interest to come to Bollywood films, her recent revelation has got the boys waiting on the edge of their seats. Poonam Pandey the controversial raunchy star has signed up for an adult film which sources say is named Nasha.
Earlier she confirmed the rumors to be true. "Yes, it's an adult film, it's a bold film but the script is very strong. I know people love to watch bold films, but for me, the script matters. The story of this film is great," she said.
Working with Jism director Amit Saxena for her raunchy adult movie, she said she would reveal the first looks in three days.
She kept the audience guessing by posting several clues and leaving random alphabets for the people to guess the name.
"There are different types of addiction. This film is also about one type of addiction and is certainly a movie that one will remember in the years to come," she tweeted.
As promised she has revealed her new first looks as she strikes a sexy yoga pose, revealing ample bosom as she bends behind to face the camera.
If this pic cannot pique your interests, I have no idea what can!
(AW- Anil)