According to veteran actor Anupam Kher, India needs to make movies that are original and evolve out of our land, our issues, our problems, to shine bright at international platforms like the Oscars.
Moreover, It is painful that we needed Richard Attenborough to make 'Gandhi' and win eight Oscars. While he stresses on the fact that it is important to have a certain kind of originality, Anupam, whose debut movie "Saaransh" was India's official entry to the Oscars.
To say more, he added that we need to make movies, which come out of our own land, our issues, our problems, our celebrations. However, now it is in a transition phase and we see that happening. Let us all hope for good. He also says that it is very difficult to please 1.2 billion people but he is optimistic that we will manage to do that.
Now coming to the actor, he is basking in the glory of his Hollywood film " Silver Linings Playbook", which is also featuring Robert De Niro and Bradley Cooper wherein Anupam plays a psychiatrist called Patel that has won various honours at the Golden Globes, Critics' Choice Awards and the Screen Actors Guild Awards.
Anupam expresses that it is his first American film and it has been on a winning height at various award functions. It is in fact a great sense of achievement and he feel happy and proud. It is satisfying to be a part of such a film with such a cast while it makes him feel proud as an Indian.
Originality should remain dominant while we intend to achieve honours!
(AW:Samrat Biswas)