Pisces | Weekly Pisces Horoscope | Pisces Horoscope Today | Telugu Jathakam

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Pisces (Jan, 12 - Jan, 18)

This Week Overview

Your in-box could be bursting at the seams with messages from friends and colleagues in the beginning of the week. Finding a way to tackle the to-dos that are most imperative while carving out necessary downtime can keep you from suffering unnecessary burnout. Later, your imagination and creativity could get a burst of fuel, and you’ll want to take advantage of it by creating a truly dreamy date night scenario for you and your partner or a potential lover. Getting carried away in the moment will be easy and pleasurable, and you deserve a chance to hit pause on reality. More horoscopes! Check your Daily Single's LoveScopes, Daily Couple's LoveScopes, Daily CareerScopes, Weekly RomanticScopes, Monthly FitnessScopes, more...Today's Free Reading: When you demand a quick "Yes" or "No" answer and simple explanation, consult your Instant Answer Tarot.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope for Business

You'll have plenty of help on Monday as coworkers and even supervisors check in to see what you need. Don't be shy about asking. Return the favors midweek. Find out where you can make the biggest splash, then dive in. Your thinking will be much clearer than usual. Late in the week, your intuition will be strong. Listen carefully, then make sure to get the message out. You can make faster progress on your own projects if you focus on them. Try to avoid work over the weekend if possible. Your time will be better spent in personal pursuits.More horoscopes! Check your Daily Single's LoveScopes, Daily Couple's LoveScopes, Daily CareerScopes, Weekly RomanticScopes, Monthly FitnessScopes, more...Today's Free Reading: When you demand a quick "Yes" or "No" answer and simple explanation, consult your Instant Answer Tarot.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope for Romantic

The early part of this week is going to be about work, and not relationship work but your day job. You'll spend a lot of time making your boss look good with no recognition. The nerve! Luckily, someone outside of the office is going to make up for that on Thursday and Friday, and you'll enjoy a deep intellectual connection. Friends and lovers will need your help over the weekend. Give them your time through Saturday afternoon. It's your time after that and you should spend it however you see fit. If that happens to be with a certain someone, say a certain connection from earlier in the week, well, no one could blame you.More horoscopes! Check your Daily Single's LoveScopes, Daily Couple's LoveScopes, Daily CareerScopes, Weekly RomanticScopes, Monthly FitnessScopes, more...Today's Free Reading: When you demand a quick "Yes" or "No" answer and simple explanation, consult your Instant Answer Tarot.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope for Travel

Your focus is decidedly soft at the beginning of the week, and you're getting broad impressions of things, people, and places rather than any specific information. Be careful if you have to handle any practical matters. Thursday and Friday are all about you and your place in the world. Your next voyage is calling to you. Listen. This weekend, a puzzle is presented for you to solve.More horoscopes! Check your Daily Single's LoveScopes, Daily Couple's LoveScopes, Daily CareerScopes, Weekly RomanticScopes, Monthly FitnessScopes, more...Today's Free Reading: When you demand a quick "Yes" or "No" answer and simple explanation, consult your Instant Answer Tarot.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope for Fliter

The group of people you talk to the most needs a new ringleader, and you're perfectly happy to step into that role on Monday and Tuesday. You like to be in a position of influence, and you like to help people. Just don't do so much helping out that you completely forget your own needs. On Thursday, take some time off from everyone else and do something just for yourself. The weekend is going to be interesting, to say the least. It won't make any sense, at least not at first.More horoscopes! Check your Daily Single's LoveScopes, Daily Couple's LoveScopes, Daily CareerScopes, Weekly RomanticScopes, Monthly FitnessScopes, more...Today's Free Reading: When you demand a quick "Yes" or "No" answer and simple explanation, consult your Instant Answer Tarot.