Face washing is one of the important step in cleansing. Many use different kinds of products to cleanse their face. Some may prefer natural or home made products and some others prefer facial cleansers available in the market. Cleanse your face with any product according to your skin type but make sure to do it regularly as it can result in multiple implications of the skin.
Here are some simple tips for face cleansing:
1. Choose product that suits your face. For sensitive skin use non irritant face wash. One should try and go for milder washes preferably fragrance free to avoid allergy.
2. Check temperature of water before washing your face. Use or very cold of very hot and very cold water can either over dry skin or cause skin to look blanched. So prefer luke warm water.
3. Use same face wash twice daily at least in winters and three times a day in summers followed by moisturizer.
4. Avoid rushing out in sun immediately after washing face. Take time out to apply sunscreen.
5. Don’t use facewash to remove makeup. Prefer good moisturizer or remover and tehn wash with face wash.
6. Replacements like curd or milk do not actually work. Some people prefer not to use facewash or use only homemade things as replacement like curd or milk. These are not very effective cleansers and can lead to blackheads or clogged pores.
7. Even avoid using soaps to clean your make up as they are not pH balanced.
Wash your face daily to give your facial skin a boost but it is important to do it in a right way. Follow the above mentioned steps while cleaning your face.
AW: Lizitha